‘Heart’ sings to us about what romantic love is, and how to love – with respect and compassion.
‘Heart’ is inspired by the rising tide of demand for respect and compassion.
HOPE STREET shares ‘Heart’ with the world to contribute to that rising tide.‘Love is not a scoreboard, it’s everything’
Fill your heart with love
Drive it from above
Think about the way you play
More about the give not take
Fill your heart with love
Better not push or shove
No is no make no mistake
What you do decides your fate
It’s everything
Love is not a scoreboard
It’s everything
Fill your heart with love
Drive it from above
Think about the way you play
More about the give not take
Fill your heart with love
Better not push or shove
No is no make no mistake
What you do decides your fate
It’s everything
Love is not a scoreboard
It’s everything
Love is everything
Love is everything
Love is not a scoreboard
It’s everything
Love is not a scoreboard
It’s everything